
Recommended diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis: Guidelines from the International Panel on the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis

The International Panel on MS Diagnosis presents revised diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis (MS). The focus remains on the objective demonstration of dissemination of lesions in both time and space. Magnetic resonance imaging is integrated with clinical and other paraclinical diagnostic methods. The revised criteria facilitate the diagnosis of MS in patients with a variety of presentations, including monosymptomatic disease suggestive of MS, disease with a typical relapsing-remitting course, and disease with insidious progression, without clear attacks and remissions. Previously used terms such as clinically definite and probable MS are no longer recommended. The outcome of a diagnostic evaluation is either MS, possible MS (for those at risk for MS, but for whom diagnostic evaluation is equivocal), or not MS.

W. Ian McDonald, FRCP, Alistair Compston, FRCP, Gilles Edan, MD, Donald Goodkin, Hans-Peter Hartung, MD, Fred D. Lublin, MD, Henry F. McFarland, MD, Donald W. Paty, MD, Chris H. Polman, MD, Stephen C. Reingold, PhD, Magnhild Sandberg-Wollheim, MD, William Sibley, MD, Alan Thompson, MD, Stanley Van Den Noort, MD, Brian Y. Weinshenker, MD, Jerry S. Wolinsky, MD. Annals of Neurology forthcoming articles.

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